Thursday, 26 March 2009

long time....

since i have been on here,
erm a quick update:

  • my music teacher is driving me insane
  • i am catching up quite well in art
  • we have our prom date through
  • and i got invited to go to it
  • i have borrow my friend Jasmines box set of the mighty boosh, and cried at practically every episode
  • i made my tech dress finally
  • i have a new kitten
  • i still am not 100% sure about what college to go to
so yeah
pretty much the same i would say.
hope everyone is okay.
lots of love sherri

oh shit i need to set off for my music trip now. bye

Monday, 16 March 2009

No Dice

I did another review for, that can be read here.
Alessi's Ark, Over The Hill. Innit blad.

It's questionable whether (wtf I cannot remember how to spell that!!) anyone will post here seein' as we've all got our own blogs now ;D

Mary xxx

Thursday, 5 March 2009

My Heart Told My Head, This Time, No.

I've been see-sawing between emotions this week, Wednesday was horrible, pretty much everything went half wrong so when it came to me stubbing my toe, I was weeping into my ciabatta. Beautiful image, I know.
But then that was sort of cancelled out by the gleeful joy of discovering Mumford & Sons are visiting Manchester town in early April (in fact a month tomorrow), so we will hopefully be making a day of that. Overall I am on the bitter side of good. As always.

I need something to wake me up because this week has been quiet!

Mary xx

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

i feel bad for neglecting this blog,

truly, i do.

i haven't really had much too say though, I'll try and give some updates on stuff that's happening/happened

- 23rd february, we went to see spintos and they said we could do an interview. i miss those guys a lot already, it makes me sad thinking about it, haa. pathetic, eh?!
- today i found out i have my french speaking exam on 27th march, the day before the maccabees in liverpool. that'll be fun.
- i would love to think that if i made a time table, of when i do what when i get in/at weekends, i'd stick too it, but the truth is, i wouldn't
- i've edited the peggy sue interview from our trip to york at the beginning of february and thats up on our youtube (
- i also did a "leftover sessions diary" which is just clips from the trip/after it into a minute 30 montage. ;)
- i really, really, need to work harder, but i have so much to do, i don't know where to start at all. i have pretty much every teacher going on at me and it's driving me insane.

i'm going to stop rambling on now, it just get's me angry. i best get back to editing the spinto interview again. hope everyone is well,

victoria X

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Zing Zing Sibling

I have been meaning to post on here for awhile but haven't felt up to it since life has been hectic lately. Not good.

But anyway, as the second eldest sibling, (big sister to one brother and four sisters), I often get asked a lot of questions that I would rather not be asked at all. When Rachael (11) came home and asked me about periods I took it as a compliment. Out of all the other females in the house she chose me to ask! Me! So I did the big sister thing and explained everything, gave her a few words of loving wisdom etc. etc.
I was pretty pleased with myself. That was until I looked back at her face whilst exiting the room. Eyes were as wide as saucers and her jaw seemed to have just dropped. From the look on her face you would've thought that I'd just walked into the room, pulled a kitten or puppy (whichever one you prefer) out of a bag and disemboweled it on the spot. Perhaps the: "Don't ever believe them when they say it's just 1tsp of blood! It never is! They are just lying to you!" was a bit too much. I should probably rethink my advice giving.

So, from then on I'd learnt to dodge questions. When watching a film, Annie (then aged 7) asked me what sex was, so, I just sat there and pretended I couldn't hear her. I hoped that she would forget the question. She didn't. So I told her, "You should probably ask mum when she gets in, yeah ask mum what sex is and she'll tell you when she gets in." Dodged.

The next question that I remember being asked was when I had to look after Linda (age 7) when she was ill. We decided to watch Hocus Pocus. Linda had never seen the film and I hadn't watched it since I was in single digits. When watching Hocus Pocus with an inquisitive 7 year old the word 'Virgin' seems to be said in every sentence. I could sense the question building up inside her and was shocked when we managed to get through the entire film without her once asking. I thought I'd gotten away with it. That was until I was making us something to eat in the kitchen. The conversation went something like this:

Linda: "Umm, Charlotte?"
Me: "Yes Linda?"
Linda: "What's a Virgin?"

Shit. What the fuck should I tell her? Quick! Say something. Tell her to ask mum, tell her to ask mum. Yeah leave it for mum to answer.

Me: "......That's quite weird actually Linda. I don't know what a Virgin is either."

So she stood there. Then she rolled her eyes.

Linda: "Whatever, Charlotte."
Me: "Ask mum when she gets in!"

This all really has nothing to do with anything but I thought I'd share it nontheless.

Love Charlotte
