Saturday 27 September 2008




Friday 19 September 2008

don't you forget about me.

We just watched The Breakfast Club. I love that film. I could just quote from it all day and all night forever and ever. I love Brian. The first time I watched it Alison was my favourite but every time since then it's been Brian.

I'm sitting on Vic's bed writing this. I need to brush my teeth. They feel furry.

We played some tunes earlier. Well, a tune. And it was very very very very good. Believe me.

Anywayanywayanyway I think we're going to bed in a minute because we are both knackered something awful.

For now, toodle pip

- Vonny

hey ho bitches.

today i dragged rachael along with me to get von from oxford road train station. i'm sure there was a guy on the bus wearing...a nappy!! he was really creepy, he like turned around and smiled and i thought if i smile, he'll stop turning and grinning but it didn't work, infact he just kept turning round more. anyways, me and von decided to watch 'the breakfast club' and von keeps smelling the jumper i gave her to wear, the freak. i don't really know what else to say except i now can't stop eating tuna sandwichs. yum.

- victoria

Wednesday 17 September 2008


I am in college. It is very boring. Rosie and I are making powerpoint presentations about the best living animal ever: sheep.

It's really bloody warm as well. Bastards.

Excited about this weekend. Make sure you're there it will be the (second) top par-t of the year. Unfortunately Charlotte won't be there.

"IS TOMORROW WORTH TONIGHT?" Sorry Orlando, I think you should hand over singing duties to the brilliant Robert Dylan Thomas.

Over and out,

- Vonny

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Party people hey! I won't be here.


I probably shouldn't even be sat here typing this out as I've only just got in from college and have to go straight back out to work in about 10 minutes. I'm gutted that I'll be missing the Vonster this weekend. I hope you guys will think of me whilst I'm down in Newcastle and then in Amsterdam. Think of me as you pee.

I'm off work tomorrow so when I finish college I'mma gooona do a bloggy blogster. & Now Vic is moaning at me like a whale pooh.


Love Charlotte


Sunday 14 September 2008

one, two, three PULL SHAPES.


September 19th-21st. (It's a weekender).

BYOB. We will not provide fanta, bring your own.


Also, I will be there, performing magic tricks that I learnt when I was five and singing a new song (about fat dinosaurs).

Peace out kids,

- Vonny

Sunday 7 September 2008

I love you, I’ve a drowning grip on your adoring face,

So i haven't blogged since the 22nd August. My bad. Sorry Von.

Anyway, not much has happened, i've only been back at school for 2 and a bit days and i already hate it. I blame history. and science. Why did i choose history? I'm stupid.
I need to re-take my 2 last maths tests too, i got C's on both but i got an A on my recent one so if i re-take my overall grade will go up, same goes for my science, i did shit on those. Hmph. Calum gave me two of the belle and sebastian CDs to listen too, today. I'm listening to the album 'Dear catastrophe waitress' at the moment and enjoying it!

Von comes down soon, woohooo, its going to be wicked. We're going to play toothpaste kisses between me, von and sheridan and we're going to teach von the x-ray dance. get ready von!
Hmm not really sure what else to say really, so i'll leave it for now!

victoria X

Friday 5 September 2008

sleepless von.

it's late (2:06 am) and i am bored so i am going to recite the sleepless george poem from memory like i did in bed with charl and vic.

my friend george hasn't slept for five years
fatigue set in after three days then the tears dried up and the muscles in his eyelids tore.
the dreams collated and congealed into the back of his head then exploded into reality
his bed was fed up after six months and it folded away and moved in with the family down the road.

soon day became night became day became night
and he wrote a twenty thousand word thesis on sleep deprivation
ten thousand reallys and ten thousand tireds
one after the other mimicking the sheep that jumped from one side of his brain to the other
his brain became in-sync with the movements of the stars and the planets
and his heart would be once at sunrise and once as the sun set
his blood courses round him like the tides, rising and falling

he earns good money now as a statue impersonator and can be seen slouched against many london monuments
he is a slouch sell out, and he's well tired.

i'm going to largs tomorrow for a viking festival. oh yessss.

over and out, sleep tight everyone!

- vonny x