So, these past few days I've pretty much had no sleep. I either can't get to sleep or when I finally do I can't seem to STAY asleep. I've started violently thrashing myself around on the bed in an attempt to get to sleep! So far it's not working.
So anyway. I've been asked to do a drawing for Sherri which I'm finding pretty hard. I just can't seem to get Sherri right! I've done a few roughs so I need your help/suggestions please. Though, before you judge, this is what I had off Sherri to work with:

Ok, so basically she wants a picture of herself holding a dragon that is blowing out a candle. Here is what I have so far:

I think I'm just gonna have to start from scratch. Amongst all this drawing I decided to finally have another go at drawing Bugs Bunny. The last time I tried to draw him was when I was in single digits. I got a book on how to draw him for my birthday and I just never could. I love Bugs Bunny. :(
Although it's rough and he looks a bit perverted.... victory is mine.

Lot's of sexy love,
Yay for long looking posts.