Monday, 18 August 2008

there's a hole in my heart that i want you to fill.

Okay, so it's not my day for blogging but I had my first day back at school today. Also, I've decided to start using capitals since all the cool kids are doing it. But anyway, I went to school today and looked like a tosser because we apparently have to wear shirts and ties (Vic will be happy to know this). It was complete tosh and school should be banned (not really because I do actually like learning).

I found this when I came home:
(I don't know how to embed the video, Charlotte?)

And also, I think you should all watch this:

Victoria filmed it. It's also on her flickr. I think it's safe to say Charlotte and I were pretty excited by the lightsabers. I miss the Whites.

Over and out,

Vonny W x

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