Friday, 16 January 2009

Busy doing nothing.

"Over the last week I've hardly been on the internet at all. Why is this you ask? Well, my brother got a Xbox360 for christmas (he paid half towards it). We've been doing two player on Gears of War, which we completed yesterday and are now on to number 2. I've actually been getting up early so I can join my brother for a morning mission. I forgot how much I love to sit and waste time playing video games. Though is it really time wasting if I'm slaughtering enemy locusts?!"
- Written as part of a blog post, 30/12/08

As you can see, the above was meant to be posted weeks ago with other random crap I may have been thinking. What happened? I was distracted mid post by my brother who wanted to play some more GoW2. Well, I couldn't say no could I?

As of a few weeks ago we also completed it, we're now starting the whole thing from number 1 on a different mode. FUCK YEAH! I'M GONNA CHAINSAW ME SOME BITCHES! Anyway, enough with the game stuff.

Since no-one has posted here in ages I felt it was my duty to do so. So here we are. Though I am now not, as I have to go to work soon and may decide to post something later. Or perhaps tomorrow.

Oh the suspense!

Love Charlotte


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited I might just pee my pants.

...right after I've played some more GoW.