Tuesday, 28 October 2008

hollah for a dollah

Hey kidz
I'm sat in my local library and I shall tell you a tale.

-Yesterday I saw Noah & The Whale with Vic, it was going sort of well...I suppose, until a man in a hat shouted "SMILE!" at us from between the tour buses as we drank some "hot chocolate" with stolen plastic knives. After he disappeared I thought nothing more of it, and oh how very wrong I was. This self same man then went onto try to sell us some bikes, ask us if we thought this little turd was "Pretty" (no) and then gave us beer? I don't know what he was expecting...We had to return the beer and hot foot it down the road as he shouted after us. I was tense for another half hour fo' sho'.
Scary stuff.
And what does Charlie Fink do? Laugh his curly-haired, London ass off at us.
I'm not usually this bitter (?) I suppose you could say, but that was the most harassed I've ever felt!
Noah and the Whale were lovely though and I'm very glad I went!

-Other reasons for me to be excited are that Jay Jay Pistolet is playing on the 28th of November at some place called Dulcimer(?!) and I might have possibly not sure for certain got a review of Josh Weller into Same Teens fanzine :)

-It's Von's birthday today aswell, so Happy Birthday again lovely, I hope what's left of the day is the best yet!!

love and caring bizniz, Mary xxx

ps, I'm also going to unashamedly promote my musak blog I Am Machin. And it turns out I was on Golden Silvers guestlist guys! Ha.

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