Friday 10 October 2008

we're not in kansas anymore.

I am on my new macbook. It is beautiful.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Vic about her film. It's not fucking fair that these things happen, especially to wonderful people. Life really can be shit.

On the point of life being shit I would like to post some religious sayings.

Shit happens - Taoism
Shit happens but it isn't really shit - Buddhism
If shit happens it's your fault - Catholicism
Let shit happen to someone else - Protestantism
Why does shit always happen to us? - Judaism

Just some of the religious sayings about shit that I found on a postcard in the Religious Moral and Philosophical Studies base at school. I've realised that I see my RMPS/Philosophy teacher Mr Nixon more than my own father. Although that's not hard.

Two weeks time - Mystery Jets. Oh yeaaa, for the like 6th time.

Over and out kids,

- Vonny x

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