Thursday, 27 November 2008

"right guys, who wants to dress as a tranny?"

Hello blog readers (other chodesters). Here is a quick update of things that have happened and will happen:

- Senior Dance is December 11th, in other words, two weeks today! Eek!

- Sins of Love (aka KP, VW, MF) had a Mystery Jets dance party in the kitchen last Saturday.

- The Futureheads next Tuesday and Wednesday. I think I might be street-teaming for Wednesday's show...

- Tomorrow night Ru (that's Robyn's baby name) and I are going to celebrate 30 years of Grease at G12 cinema. Dressing up is allowed! Hooray!

- In about half an hour Nelson's Island Vibration will meet up and have a "band meeting" to discuss the release of the EP. Exciting stuff!

- Also, this time next month it will be 2 days after Christmas. I will have already partied on down in Manchester and had a party on Christmas day with Rebecca and Yusra too. I think that deserves another hooray...hooray!

- I'm terribly happy as 2 of my grades from the exams in May of this year have been upgraded to the top mark. This is good!

I don't have much else to say so, over and out

- Vonny

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