Wednesday, 5 November 2008

help, i need somebody...

it's been a while since i've blogged. actually it's not been as long as it has for charlotte though. i'm so tireeeeed. i have a headache too, so i just had some chocolate but that didn't help and i've got loads of work to be doing but i've not even had chance yet. i need to sort some kind of time table out because i need to manage all my coursework, revision for re-sits, trying to get through each history lesson without breaking down and then just walking out because of how shitty it is, it's so boring...painting and selling jumpers and stuff for mine and charlottes clothing company thing, and i need to start revising for all my mocks which are in december, what a nice build up to christmas they give us! :( oh well. as my friend georgia would say, "Life's a bitch and then you die" Lovely.

but to end it on a sort of good note, i'm starting the whole 365 photo thing again, and i'm going to do it this time, Charlottes doing a 365 doodle-a-day too so we can keep each other going! I have an idea for my first one, but i think from after that i'll either be asking for words that i could do a photo relating too, OR i'll be putting my iTunes on shuffle and doing a photo related to the song name/any word in the song that comes up first...should be easier that way and a bit more exciting for me.

-victoria X


Anonymous said...

I find that chocolate is the cure to many mood swings. Seriously, it is. I think I may be 90% full on chocoholic.

If it doesn't cure your headaches though, you are not. Maybe it was a bad brand. What was your weapon of choice?

Urgh, don't freak out in lessons. It's bad for multiple reasons - one is that everyone will laugh at you and you'll be more socially retarded than you already are. Other reasons include failure, disciplining and other such nasty things. Grin, bear it. School is fun - you will realise this when you start to work. Trust.

I tried a 365. It wasn't of myself, but of random shit. It lasted about 30 days. I suck.

Hope you can do better.


be your own chode. said...

ahaha, i've done a 365 photo a day before but i only got to day 20 or something so now i HAVE to do it right.

Anonymous said...

I'm lazy and easily distracted, I doubt that I'd get past 1.