Monday, 10 November 2008

I looked at my was Obama time.

Awwww man! What is it with college and letting people come in at 10:30am only to find they're free until 3pm? They deceive you into thinking that frees are a.m.a.z.i.n.g. they are not. Do not be fooled. It's not like I can even go home nowwww.
I went to see the great Emmy The Great yesterday at The Deaf Institute last night. That venue is kerrazy, it's like a miniature auditorium with a balcony, and has wicked ass wallpaper! As an added bonus to Miss Moss I also got to see Ric Hollingberry, a member of Pengilly's, a definite find of '08. He is suuuuuuch a sweetie!!!
As for Emmy, I can only say the same, she was amazing live too, obviously! It's a pretty good thing if you find it completely endearing that she doesn't know the words to her own songs <3
The support band Blue Roses are also worth looking up, although it's only Laura Groves on the myspace atm. OH! And there was an innnncredible Obama CD playing! I need to find out where it's at!

over&out, Maryxxxx
ps. ONCE AGAIN my internet has decided to go on Holiday. Whaaaaat.


Anonymous said...

Obama. On CD?

be your own chode. said...

Not Obama singing on CD, just an "omg Obama is aaamaaaazing" tribute CD of sorts.
I think if Obama was a singer on top of being President we really could have a superman on our hands.

Anonymous said...

But if Superman were black, he wouldn't be so popular. Look at that documentary style film with Will Smith in as a black Superman. Tough times.

be your own chode. said...

My friend's actually got his fingers and toes crossed that Will Smith is going to be the 45th President...And WS should've stuck to the Fresh Prince! Silly boy.

And alright, maybe not Super man...Just a Super man?

Anonymous said...

i swear i commented this says MISS MOSS thats my surname!

be your own chode. said...

Ahahahahaha I love it Sheridan Moss!
